Is Kir6.1 a subunit of mitoK(ATP)?
Foster DB, Rucker JJ, Marbán E. Is Kir6.1 a subunit of mitoK(ATP)? Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2008, Feb 15, 366 (3): 649-646.
Foster DB, Rucker JJ, Marbán E. Is Kir6.1 a subunit of mitoK(ATP)? Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2008, Feb 15, 366 (3): 649-646.
D. Brian Foster Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Cardiology
Director, Laboratory of Cardiovascular Biochemistry
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Ross Research Building, Room 847
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21205
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